After I saw the movie The Matrix I started thinking how this movie can be based on the Greek mythology. In Greek mythology there is a God named Morpheus who is the God of dreams. Morpheus sends images of humans in dreams or visions, and he is responsible for shaping dreams, or giving shape to the beings that inhabit dreams and manipulate reality. Also we can say that the movie The Matrix is based on Allegory of The Cave which Socrates and Plato are discussing what real is and not. Also Socrates' visit to the oracle of Delphi , and Socrates said that he knew nothing and Oracle said that he was the wisest man on earth, but the end Socrates understood her ironic meaning. Neo is Socrates, who is willing to admit to his own ignorance, and the Oracle in the Matrix films maintains her confidence in him and his abilities despite his often-visible confusion and doubt.
First of all, according to Greek mythology Morpheus has the ability to take any human form and appear in dreams. Morpheus has multiple roles and meanings and literally means "he who forms." Morpheus believes that Neo is the person who has been foreseen by the Oracle to be able to defeat the Matrix. My opinion is that Morpheus is pulling out Neo of his contempt and easy life and he tries to show Neo what truth is. We can say that Morpheus believes that Neo is the ONE. Morpheus’s faith in Neo is very strong even though Neo seems to show weakness at times but he still has faith in him despites his weaknesses because he has never let him lead on a wrong path. Just as the leader in The Matrix he is always look out and he wanted the best for his group. Teachers always try to lead their students in the right spot and see things clearly. In the end Neo comes out as a hero because Morpheus fills him with confidence that he can do anything and he is the one who can do it.
Also we can say that The Matrix is based on Plato’s allegory. The movie is about people who are catching unawares in The Matrix and these people are like the people in the cave. According to the movie people can see what the machines want them to see and they believe that they can see reality as it really is. They are following their senses which exist. Neo believe that all this is a lie but he can not be sure about it and he is not sure how the Matrix works. Morpheus believes that Neo is the person who has been foreseen by the Oracle to be able to defeat the Matrix. In the allegory of the cave Plato says a cave in which people have been kept prisoner since birth. These people can not see the truth and the reality and they can see only straight and not behind. The only thing that they can see through the wall is shadows in the shape of people, animals and trees. They can not see anything else except from shadows and they believe these shadows constitute the real world. After a prisoner escape (Platos) and he realize the real world is actually an elaborate set of shadows, which free people create statues and the light from a fire. In the end he realized that the real world is not the shadows. Now he sees the world different, but he has difficult time adjusting his eyes to the bright light of the sun, but eventually he does. Also he must return to the cave and try to teach others what he knows and explain to them what reality is. Neo is pulled from a kind of cave in The Matrix when he realizes the real world for first time. Neo thought was real is only an illusion like in the allegory of the cave. Plato insists that those who free themselves and come to perceive reality have a duty to return and teach others, and this holds true in the Matrix films as well, as Neo takes it upon himself to save humanity from widespread ignorance and acceptance of a false reality.
Finally, sometimes we do not want to admit that other new things exits in life that might be good and we are secure and comfortable in our surroundings. People do not want to take risks, until reality kicks in and we learn differently. Life is good outside of the “cave.”