Thursday, May 19, 2011

blog 17

I think “free will” is an illusion but not to everyone.  According to the article “Free Will and Determinism in the World of Minority” having “free will” is based on self control and alternate possibilities.  In the movie “Minority Report” John supposed to kill Leo Crow, but he knew that he was going to kill him and he had two choices of free will to kill him or not.  “Free will” helps you to keep you away from crime and keep your freedom but also put you in the situation being a killer and put your freedom in danger.  Also we have “free will” when Danny Witwer catches the ball, also he had choice to catch it or not. 
Now in the play “Oedipus the King” we had Delphic Oracle told Oedipus that one day he will kill him and marry his mother.  His father for avoiding this situation he sends his son for abortion thinking is the better way to avoid the problem.  He also had the “free will” to send him or not.  There is no way to control “free will,” our thoughts and our emotions.
Everybody has “free will” but we have the choice to do it or not.  We have the right to think about it before we act and think the sequences based on free will.  Also “free will” is based on our freedom and but our freedom in danger.  Now is your choice to use your free will or not. 

1 comment:

  1. free will is the apparent ability of agents to make choices free from certain kinds of constraints.
